Monday, April 28, 2008

Pool play!

So we went to the pool twice last week, the kids just love it so much! We have been having great weather so we actually got to go OUTSIDE. That's where we have the most fun! Our 2nd day of going we went with Mary and Blayne and we got some good pics!

Kinz climbing around the fountain at the baby pool!

Charlie getting in the kiddie pool to go down the slide
Walkin in the baby pool
Taking a break
Kinz headed to the big pool.
Charlie by the fountain, they wouldn't both stand there together
Climbing UP the slide
Sliding down and 'bowling for Kinz'
Outside at the pool, its heated, SO NICE
Charlie's favorite thing, he walks off the seating ledge and goes under
Then grabs the side and pulls himself up!
Kinzie is trying to eat the locker key I have attached to my strap, I 'forgot' the paci.
Me pushing her to the ledge.
Kinz in Blayne's car, she loved it so much, she got one this weekend.
All the kids in the bigger toddler/kid pool
That boat is actually the pool's.
Tired out after swimming
He spins round and round, til he can't stay awake, lays down and passes out.
Sleepy girl wants her 'nack'
Snack time right after nap time! She wouldn't smile for Mary cause Mary wouldn't feed her.

Ok, so there are some new pics, I might update this blog more often if I knew people were actually reading it! To leave comments all you have to do is 'register' your current email address with google, you don't have to get a new one. OR you can just send me an email every now and then saying, hey I read the blog, cute pics! if any of you know family members that might want to check it out, go ahead and send them the link!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

It's been a week!

So I was going to add some new pics but the picture loader is being difficult and will only let me add 1 at a time instead of the usual 5. As I am being impatient today, they will have to wait. However the main picture I wanted to show was of the kids sitting together in the chair, which I added as my profile pic so you can see it anyway.
They didn't sit there together very long, and most of the time Kinzie was crying, as she was in the chair 1st and didn't think she should have to share! But I got one decent picture so that's all that matters.
We have made it to the end of wk 1 w/o the boys. Charlie hasn't even asked about the boys. I am shocked! He has briefly mentioned 'Jose and Louie are at school' but that has been about it. It has helped that him and Kinzie are now getting into playing with each other. It's fun to watch them chase each other around the house.
Other than that, not much is going on here. We've all been sick since the boys left. Hopefully this week we will all get better so we can enjoy our last 2 months together.