Charlie officially loves school. I am so happy that he is thriving, (at least for now) I can only hope it lasts! He excels in math like his Mama, and LOVES science. Mike and I both have a chance to volunteer in his class, and it's so nice to be able to talk to his teacher on a weekly basis! We've been through a parent teacher conference, a book fair, and a trip to the fire station already! I offered to help chaperone, and had to take Kinzie and Nick with me. Kinzie LOVED it as much as Charlie did, but Nick was terrified the whole time we were there!
This was Nick's expression the whole, when he wasn't crying :(

On a medical front, his 'lazy eye' is getting worse, and we've had to start patching the good eye for 8 hours a day in order to make the bad eye start working again. We also have a consultation in December with a surgeon in Missoula to decide if surgery will be a better/final option. He's doing pretty well with the patch, much better than I thought he would!
We let the kids choose their own costumes for Halloween again this year. Kinzie was stoked to be a dragon, and Charlie chose a cheeseburger, which in turn made Nick choose a cheeseburger as well. The morning of the 31st Charlie had a change of heart, and was worried kids would laugh at him for being a sandwich, but it seemed like in general, kids (and parents) were pretty excited about the cheeseburgers!

We also had a chance (and a nice enough day) to take the kids to a Corn MAiZE about 30 minutes from Great Falls, we spent the afternoon there and we all had a blast. Went through the maze, and played in corn, and hay, and had a little train ride. Will definitely be a tradition for us!
Jumping in the hay.

I can't believe it's November already! This year is flying by! Hopefully I will update more this month than the last 2!