Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The month of May

For us, May has always been a good month. Mike and I had our 1st date in May (May 11, 2001, Sonic, mini golf, the park, and Joe Dirt! lol), we got engaged in May (May 11, 2002, Carlos O'Kellys and Manhattan Hill), we moved to Germany in May (May 5, 2005), and of course moved to Montana in May (May 21, 2009). But May of 2012 has been not so nice to us!

 On May 3rd, I had a laparoscopic nissen fundoplication, which basically means, they cut 5 small incisions around my stomach and wrapped the top portion of my stomach around my esophagus. I recovered in no time, and have not had a Tums since May 2nd (or a Pepsi, or gum among other things!) It has been such a relief with no more acid attacks!

 5 days later on May 8th, Mike had surgery on his elbow to relocate a nerve that was being pinched every time he moved his arm, or flexed his triceps. He was experiencing a lot of pain in his shoulder, and is now in a cast until June 6th. Still having lots of pain, but hopefully it will go away once he's healed!

The incision after the wrap was taken off, before the cast!
That same night Kinz fell out of her bed, and the next day was still complaining that her arm hurt, so off to the dr she went. Turns out little miss had broken her collarbone. Just like her mom had done about 25 years earlier!
The broken collarbone!

Luckily the boys are all doing fantastic! Makes it easier when half of us are still healthy! lol

It's been a trip that's for sure, but we are still going strong, and counting down to our vacation in KS!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Twinkle Toes

Kinzie's fish died. Again. For her 5th birthday Kinz decided she wanted fish. We go all out, buy the tank, the supplies, the decorations, etc and let her pick out 5 fish. All but 4 of them died in the 1st week.
  So we go back to the store and got 4 more fish. Several had babies (they died) and then the 4 new fish died as well. So we were down to 1. Her name was Sandy Cheeks. We joked around about Sandy Cheeks being a killer fish, but sadly a few days later, she too died. :(

 Fast forward to April 13th, school carnival, Kinzie wins a goldfish and names her Twinkle Toes. We stuck TT in a vase for the weekend and decided that if she was still alive by Monday, we'd buy a better set up.
 Amazingly enough, it seemed like TT was thriving, so we bought the tank (much smaller-i.e. CHEAPER) and 4 days later Twinkle Toes went belly up! So now I have to decide if I should let Kinz get another fish to kill. She says she misses her Twinkle Toes and wants TWO fish!

I swear I think we are going to get banned from Petco! lol

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


So I have seriously slacked off the blogging, mostly in part because now that almost ALL of my family is on facebook, I have no real need for a blog. However I think I will change my format a little, and start using this blog as a diary/scrapbook for my children. So that someday when I am old, and can no longer remember all the stories of their childhood, I can send them here!

Hopefully I will be more dedicated to this blog now. I will also backdate stories so that I can have them in writing, since I missed it the 1st time around!

For starters, on this day last year, I was driving back to Great Falls, from Billings, after dropping my dear friend Kellie off at the airport, rushing to get home as my friend was going into the hospital to be induced! The weather was crummy (snow/rain/sleet the WHOLE way home, going about 40 mph most of the way) The kids slept the whole way, since we had to get up at 4:30 to get Kellie to the airport. That was the day Nick developed an obsession with the song 'The Cave' by Mumford and Sons, 'Choke' as he calls it. A year later he still loves it!

IF anyone is still reading this, please forgive me as this blog will no longer be for you, you are still welcome to read and comment.