On May 3rd, I had a laparoscopic nissen fundoplication, which basically means, they cut 5 small incisions around my stomach and wrapped the top portion of my stomach around my esophagus. I recovered in no time, and have not had a Tums since May 2nd (or a Pepsi, or gum among other things!) It has been such a relief with no more acid attacks!
5 days later on May 8th, Mike had surgery on his elbow to relocate a nerve that was being pinched every time he moved his arm, or flexed his triceps. He was experiencing a lot of pain in his shoulder, and is now in a cast until June 6th. Still having lots of pain, but hopefully it will go away once he's healed!
The incision after the wrap was taken off, before the cast! |
The broken collarbone! |
Luckily the boys are all doing fantastic! Makes it easier when half of us are still healthy! lol
It's been a trip that's for sure, but we are still going strong, and counting down to our vacation in KS!!