Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Baby update

Took Nicholas to the dr today for his 2 month well baby check-up. He weighed a whopping 11 lbs 9 oz (50%) that is an increase of (almost) 3 lbs since birth. And he was 25 inches long (75%), which is roughly 4.5 inches in growth since birth. Developementally he is doing great, right on track! He also had to get his 1st set of shots today, poor baby. He handled them very well, and was running a SLIGHT fever tonight. But he is sleeping away now!
Not sure if I've mentioned, I now have Charlie COMPLETELY potty trained. He goes through naps and most nights and wakes up dry! So proud of him, he did most of it on his own! It definitely pays to wait until THEY are ready! (which from the signs, Kinzie is right around the corner, oy!)
Kinzie is now talking up a storm! I mean most that know her, are aware that she has always been a chatter box, but now you can understand WHAT she is saying! It's so nice, except her favorite words are Leave me alone, and anything ending in NOW!
In Mike news, he found out last month that he passed his staff seargent test, and will be promoted sometime early next year! He still has a while left on his deployment. Time is starting to slow down for him though.
And I am just ready to be back in my own home. I have been very fortunate to be able to come back to Kansas, and stay with my family, to have their help, and support while Mike is gone, and I had Nicholas. But apparently 3 months is long enough. And I still have one left! BUT its already filling up! This weekend for our anniversary, mom and dad are taking me, my sister and the kids to the Kansas City Renaissance Festival, my bestie since 2nd grade is coming up the last week of September so we can hang out a bit! Then the 1st weekend of October, we are headed to Omaha for my neice and nephew's birthday party at the ZOO! AND best of all, the week before I leave, my great friend TRACY, whom I met in Germany and haven't seen since May 2007(when she moved to Washington State), will be flying out to spend 5 days with me! I can't wait to see her again, its been WAY too long!
So yeah, that's what's going on with us lately! Sorry no pics, I have some just need to get them on the computer!

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