Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Airmen leadership school!

Tuesday March 31, 2009 Mike graduated from Airmen Leadership School! ALS is something all airmen must go through in order to sew on staff sergeant. As a sergeant they will be in charge of airmen and have more responsibilities as leaders in the Air Force. The classes also count as college credit hours! Can't beat that!
He started classes on February 25th, and the class lasted not quite 5 weeks! It was very stressful on us as a family. The kids couldn't understand why Daddy was home every night and wouldn't play with them, as he had hours of homework almost every day! Now that his classes are over, he can get started on our outprocessing! 36 days and counting til Montana here we come!

Mike and I all dressed up prior to the graduation!

Mike walking up to graduate!
And officially GRADUATED!!
And now for those that really only come here to see pics of my
children (ahem, JENNI!) These are for you!
Kinz using Mike as a couch
Nick standing, that's all he does now!

This is how the kids fell asleep after Mike's graduation,
they got to stay up til we got home at 10,
and really didn't want to go to bed at all!
Way too cute!


  1. Congratulations Mike!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe you guys are down to only 36 days, I guess 33 now. That's insane, as well as super exciting!

  2. Congrats! Love the dress up photos!
