So a couple of my friends got together and threw a baby shower for me. I got lots of great things, and really good pictures. These are from May 19th! Will continue to update all the pics I have been slacking on today!
Charlie before the shower, Mike shaved his head :(

I got a new camera so I was playing around with it, Kinz was the only staying close

She was crying

Her phone

Hammin for the camera

She looks so much like me!

Right before she threw her phone at me!

Collecting the phone after throwing it

Mary's lovely table decorations, and those are the gifts I had BEFORE the shower started

My special made cake!

and the cupcakes

Mike helped Mary decorate the ceiling

all the gifts

side view of gift table

another cake shot

Charlie and I

The guests eating and feeding babies

Playing games

more games

opening gifts

Kinz and I fought over that hanger

Charlie and Kinzie loving the tissue paper

more gifts

The kids waiting for me to give them the tissue paper

more paper fun!

My swing from Tracy!

Can't wait to use it, its going to KS for the summer

Charlie eating his cupcake, well the frosting anyway!

He wouldn't smile for a picture!

Playin the how big IS she game!

The paper clip chain!

30 small paperclips, that's how big, the winning guess was 32!

So there are those for now, I will get the Paris pics up later, but for now have to get going, running errands today!! How fun!!
Looks like you had a good turnout for your shower, and lots of fun!